Heart & Soul Awakening

Healing Sessions

Online & in Aschaffenburg

I am Franziska, and I am a channel for unconditional light & love.

Here at Heart & Soul Awakening you will find a space for your personal & spiritual awakening with wonderful energetic healing sessions.

The purpose of this work is to guide you to the path of your heart, as connected to our heart we are able to open the doors to a fulfilled life, in peace, health & abundance.

By finding  this „heart-connection“ in every moment of our life, we arrive deeper in the present moment, we start to flow more and more with the flow of life, to be in trust and to discover deep love within ourselves.

You begin to feel the connectedness, freedom and safety within yourself and your intuition, as well as our well-being begins to awaken.

In this process you activate your self-healing powers and strengthen the connection to your higher-self to integrate past experiences and achieve opening for yourself on high vibrational levels.

Each session is held and guided by the energies of higher levels of consciousness, especially various Archangel energies and those of the Elohim, to which I have established direct access through my own development process in recent years.


Heart & Soul Offer



„My first Reiki treatment with Franziska was very relaxing, even I as a top-heavy person could completely switch off and get involved. I could wonderfully feel how the energy flow in my body was stimulated and I could let go more and more. She immediately welcomed me openly, warmly and lovingly, this was not only there at the beginning, but also to feel the whole 1.5 hours through.“

„I had a special time at and with Franziska. She is so emphatic and sensitive, takes away any excitement and just picks you up. The exchange with her is inspiring and enriching, the experience was new and I could get involved and let go one hundred percent. Thank you Franzi and NAMASTE!“

„I had my first sound session with Franziska. It was a very great experience for me and my body. After a very short time I already felt this enormous energy. I will definitely do it more often now. Franziska radiates such a friendly and warm energy. She is simply huggable.“

„Franziska exudes such a calm and connected energy when she teaches, and she makes us feel the same way at the end of her class. I always love how I feel after a class with her.“

Feel free to contact me!

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